At each of our services we seek to preach and teach the Bible faithfully, applying the scriptures to real life in the 21st Century. Our general custom is for expository preaching, allowing the themes and teaching of the various books of the Bible to unfold before us.
The services bring wonderful opportunities for people to serve in a variety of ways; for people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds to gather together; for visitors to be welcomed; for ‘seekers’ to explore the Christian faith in a safe and friendly environment, and for church members to be encouraged, equipped and built up as they enter a new week.
Rev. Mike McNamara - Vicar
Morning Service
10.00am Sunday, Ivanhoe
A contemporary service, with a different music group each week, our Kids Church and JPod groups, and a relaxed, informal atmosphere. There is a Communion service each fortnight (2nd & 4th Sundays). Morning tea follows in the Parish Centre.
Mandarin Service
2.00pm Sunday, Ivanhoe
In 2011, a Chinese Congregation, led by Rev Jessica Cheung, was started at St James. It has a weekly Mandarin Service on Sundays at 1:30pm, with Kids Church (taught in English) and JPod running too.
During the week there are various Life Groups that meet on different days.
Everyone always receives a warm welcome from the people of this service. Come along and check it out.
Holy Communion Service
11.00am Thursday, Ivanhoe
A weekly communion service followed by morning tea. This service, and the time of rich fellowship together, is especially valued by retirees.
3081 Service
10.00am Saturday, West Heidelberg
This is a congregation linked to St James that meets at 10am on Saturday mornings. It meets in a community room at the rear of Shop 48 in the Shopping Mall at West Heidelberg.
It’s a lively, committed fellowship where people support each other and grow together through the times of teaching, worship and fellowship. The morning tea is always popular! Come and join 3081 one Saturday. Everyone welcome!